I would not Use Poison Around My Own Children But Will Yours.
I used to be your pest control guy
I quit!
Is it Justified?
It seems very hypocritical that I wont use harsh and toxic
pesticides where my own children play but I will spray your yard if you hire me
to. I can see this information surfacing and people thinking that I don’t care
about their children as much as I care about my own. Well, for me it’s really
very simple to justify my actions. I suppose any bad or good people can justify
what they do easier than what others do. So to those who think my willingness
to poison your yard and reluctance to spray my own is somehow duplicitous, I
ask, who called who?
Do You Think About Your Friend's Yards Like I Do?
I can kill any bug that bothers you. I have the tools,
Chemical, and know how to do the job. I probably treated someone’s home that
you know. I am 100% confidential. So when you see your children playing in your
neighbor’s lawn you might ask something like. “How do you get rid of gnats?” they
might answer: “Some guy came out with a truck and hosed it off with some mystery
liquid. Every bug, even the hard to kill German roaches have all almost died!” If
your conversation has caused you to feel concern about your children rolling down
that gnat free hill, that means you are starting to think for yourself. I am probably
the guy who sprayed that lawn: I know what I sprayed it with. I would never let
my children play in that lawn like I would my own.
Isn't There Safe Eco-Friendly Methods?
And what if I told you no, I wont spray your yard? What if I said: have you tried
ladybugs on your aphids… no it won’t kill 100% of them but at least your
children and pets and the pollinators in the area wont risk exposure to neurotoxins,
if they happen to stop and smell your aphid free roses? What then? Are you telling
me you wouldn’t just call someone else? Someone who might not be as careful as
I am and a little more expensive? Someone who doesn’t respect these chemicals the same way that I do? Yes I will kill
the bugs in your yard and do it smiling; safely and with a special regard to your
pet’s and children’s health; but like I tell my own kids: there is no longer any creepy crawly critters in north America that poses a bigger risk to people than pesticides